Please review our job qualifications below and if you are interested, and qualified, fill out the form on the page to the right.
Internship Application
You Need Experience, To Get Experience!
At Kemco, we don’t stop at providing you with the first-hand exposure of gaining skills in your field. We go further in preparing you with the soft skills to succeed in your professional life. An internship with Kemco will encourage personal development and a greater understanding of self. To know yourself is to know your goals and how to best achieve them.
You can acquire endless amounts of education in your collegiate career, however, that knowledge doesn’t always translate to a workplace setting. At Kemco you will gain clarity through proper training, duties and assignments that will help you navigate the complexities of hands-on engineering and a corporate workplace.
We are currently accepting applications for Mechanical, Industrial, Electrical and Chemical engineering majors, as well as those pursuing an MBA. Internships available for spring, summer and fall semesters. Apply Now!